Friday 25 May 2012

Now in London


From Russia a heat wave (for Russia anyway) of 28 to England megggggaaaa freezing I think my travel weathered body did'nt cope with it and I got the flu bad (1 1/2 weeks of it), not fun, but still very cool just chillin out with Lucianna and Jaco in Roe Hampton.

Lucianna and Jaco in their beautiful new apartment !!
 I went with Luch to a little town called Frant, we had lunch in a gorgeous pub.
Luch on the phone with work!

 The best food ever, my favourite, fried brie cheese with cranberry sauce and salad, Oh it was amazing!

One of my favourite days, Luch lives a 10 minute walk from Richmond Park, the largest park in England over 1000 acres, they have at least 300 deer there roaming free and they happened to be at the Roehampton entrace it was amazing!!!

The deer decided to cool down in a creek they were splashing around and rutting one another rather spectacular!!!

 There are people riding their horses all through the park amongst the deer, now I would love to do that :)
 Lots of sleeping, relaxing and dreaming !!!

This was my view, a bit wonky cause I was lying down and Im such a professional photographer !!!
I love the English countryside, actually I love any countryside and I Love God  for sending me here !!!! :)

Friday 18 May 2012

Beautiful Russia Continued ...

I caught a 3 hour train south to a gorgeous quaint Russian town called Novgrod!

 I went to a Russian Museum a street made out of old style homes and cathedrals, it was so beautiful and the weather was perfect.

A very cute Russian horse!

 I asked the guide is this a Russian bomb shelter as I had seen bomb shelters looking similar and she looked at me with a strange smile on her face and said, "No these are the toilets". As you can imagine there was an eruption of laughter from the group.

We visited the Kremlin of Novgrod beautiful churches and sculptures!

The day was so perfect and we were given spare time so a couple of us decided to take a boat cruise, a great way to spend the afternoon!

The beautiful and Famous Red Square

Another gorgeous cathedral the place is absolutely packed with them this one has a centre ceiling piece with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit very cool!!

I watched the changing of the guard, the goose step is very intimidating with 3 soliders let alone having a whole platoon of them!!

Tulips, Tulips, Tulips, everywhere my favourite flowers in the whole world!
Just outside Red Square!!!
Tulips at Gorky Park I spent the most relaxing afternoon in this park it was beautiful!!!
More Tulips!!!!

There were stands with fur hats and fur things everywhere, I got a fur scarf very cute!!!

I went to the circus what else do you do in Moscow? So bizarre  I walked into the foyer and they had a leopard and tiger just sitting on small podium and you could go up and get a photo taken for a price, no cage, no fence just a small rope (I did notice them holding the leopard tightly so that it wouldnt bit the lady as they took the photo, I decided to pass. I snuck a few photos and  then got a bit of a tongue lashing in Russian from the Usher opps.
How cute are these dogs :)
They had about 8 Lions and 2 white Siberian ones very fiesty !!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Beautiful Russia

St Petersburg

Oh wow what culture shock at first, hardly anyone speaks English so my first day on my own was a big challenge, they had sent my luggage to Switzerland (yes switzerland do you believe it LOL). But thank the Lord I had packed for about 2-3 days of clothes in my hand luggage, preparing for the cold.

St Petersburg is beautiful, full of beautiful churches,

Yes that is me flying through the air!!!

Beautiful Canals and Rivers everywhere,

Great meals with new friends (Michael a fellow Aussie)

Full of Military, I was there for Victory day, when Russia displays its might

Military ship!

Beautiful Ballet
Palaces that blow your mind!

St Peterov Summer palace except it wasnt summer, it was freezing (for me anyway, on my defense everyone else was freezing) I think I suit the Russian look dont you think!!!
Fountains at the palace!

Incredibly cute furry squirrel who was eating some of my fruit and nut, too cute, I wanted to pack him in my bag, but Russian customs wouldnt be happy :( (especially since I had the interrogation of a life time to get my luggage back that they lost, oh so much fun, expensive fun LOL).

Brilliant food with new friends from the tour Shelia, Tony (England) and Michael (fellow Aussie)
Borsh Soup rather good on a freezing day!!!

Spill the blood church Insanely beautiful inside and out

I went to a brilliant cossack and Russian dancing show, I just loved it and wanted to join them :)

 More Military Might  being displayed as Victory day approaches!!!

St Petersburg has a vibe and character all of its own a brilliant place to visit


Saturday 5 May 2012

I Found God's Wonderland

I flew to Redding California to Bethel Church I was meant to stay there for 3 days, but ended up staying for 13 days (the Grand Canyon tour went out the window LOL). WOW is all I can say Bethel Church is Gods Wonderland, the presence and manifestation of God is sooooooooo strong. I had two sozo healing ministries and am definitely a free’er and so full of joy, after the second one I laughed for 3 days straight and I’m still laughing, but I think the vision that I had of Jesus walking down a stairway between heaven and earth and then his robe filling the entire worship room helped kick start the joy.

Its paradise they have so many opportunities to meet with God they have the worship room which is 4 hours of prophetic worship and you can lie on the floor, dance, sit, read the bible, laugh whatever ya want. This happens 5 times a week.

They have Alabaster house which is a 24hour prayer room, what a room of peace and connecting with God. In the centre of the round room they have a fountain of the world with water coming down all over it. It reminds me of the scripture, ‘The spirit of the lord will cover the earth, as the waters covers the seas’.

They have treasure hunts they fill out a sheet and get words of knowledge for people in the community they haven’t met and then go out into their suburb and find the people and give them the encouraging words from God (bout 4 times a week).

They treasure all the arts as equal so every service there are people painting on stage they are very gifted, dancing they have a team of about 4 they are very gifted if you stand near the stage the presence of God is amazing as they dance and they have these people who wave flags I only ever saw two people who do it they are profound, with every wave of the flag the presence of God came and it was very hard to stand its so powerful. I just loved it I went to a dance class they taught us to prophecy in dance it was so much fun!!!

God blessed me with meeting many very special people, but especially Joanna.

My wonderful friend Joanna took me to Whisky town Dam it was beautiful and we watched fish jumping out of the water!!!
                       Cute Little furry critter they were running around all over the place

 I really didn’t want to leave but Russia was calling me, it was so funny on the plane I was the only non European person (actually I think they were all Russian the whole lot except for me) only the  stewards spoke English, they did speak English over the plane announcements but I could only understand about 10% of it LOL. What adventure the only Aussie on the plane, I can’t wait to arrive in Russia Whoa!!!!