Friday 18 May 2012

Beautiful Russia Continued ...

I caught a 3 hour train south to a gorgeous quaint Russian town called Novgrod!

 I went to a Russian Museum a street made out of old style homes and cathedrals, it was so beautiful and the weather was perfect.

A very cute Russian horse!

 I asked the guide is this a Russian bomb shelter as I had seen bomb shelters looking similar and she looked at me with a strange smile on her face and said, "No these are the toilets". As you can imagine there was an eruption of laughter from the group.

We visited the Kremlin of Novgrod beautiful churches and sculptures!

The day was so perfect and we were given spare time so a couple of us decided to take a boat cruise, a great way to spend the afternoon!

The beautiful and Famous Red Square

Another gorgeous cathedral the place is absolutely packed with them this one has a centre ceiling piece with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit very cool!!

I watched the changing of the guard, the goose step is very intimidating with 3 soliders let alone having a whole platoon of them!!

Tulips, Tulips, Tulips, everywhere my favourite flowers in the whole world!
Just outside Red Square!!!
Tulips at Gorky Park I spent the most relaxing afternoon in this park it was beautiful!!!
More Tulips!!!!

There were stands with fur hats and fur things everywhere, I got a fur scarf very cute!!!

I went to the circus what else do you do in Moscow? So bizarre  I walked into the foyer and they had a leopard and tiger just sitting on small podium and you could go up and get a photo taken for a price, no cage, no fence just a small rope (I did notice them holding the leopard tightly so that it wouldnt bit the lady as they took the photo, I decided to pass. I snuck a few photos and  then got a bit of a tongue lashing in Russian from the Usher opps.
How cute are these dogs :)
They had about 8 Lions and 2 white Siberian ones very fiesty !!

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